Just A Few Of My Favorite Things

July 3, 2023

In a practice of gratitude, here is a list of a few of my favorite things right now, in no particular order:

Early morning sunshine

Cool morning breeze

Warm beverages

Being an aunt

Tart lemonade, made fresh, with just lemons and sugar

Reading outside

My puppy – her soft coat, the way she gets excited in the mornings if I sleep in and her dad gets up to feed her and let her out, the fact that she lets me squeeze her when I have cuteness aggression

The Summer I Turned Pretty

Movie nights

Fresh, homemade, popcorn with a lot of butter

Sad songs




Late night bonfire chats

The smell of burning Christmas tree from the December before

My wedding rings

My husbands wedding rings

Dawn and dusk

The way my new keyboard sounds

Picking out new sketchbooks, pencils and pens

Finishing a good book

Fresh baked cookies, brownies and pastries


My husband

Just to name a few. I want to make a habit of listing my favorite things of the moment rather often, maybe once a month, but we will see how that goes. I am not the most consistent, bit I do feel like it is beneficial to my mental health and to understanding how blessed I am.


The Art Of Self Discovery


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