I Miss University

June 29, 2023

There is not much I remember from my college days. Not because of anything crazy, I just didn’t sleep.

There is so much I would change, if I could go back, but that’s not what this post is about. I miss college because everyone is in the same spot. I lived in the dorms for two years and then university apartments for a year and just barely off campus for senior year. I was able to just walk over to my friends room and talk with them or study with them or walk with them to class. I miss everyone being broke and searching for themselves all at the same time. I miss us all trying to stay on top of our studies, on top of our social lives, on top of our measly finances all together. I miss understanding people and the depth of all of the friendships because everyone was desperate for friendship. I miss studying and finding new things I was interested in.

There is a lot I would change, but today I miss so many things that I remembered, and the fact that I don’t remember much of it.


Just A Few Of My Favorite Things


A Love Letter To IOwa