Word of the Year: Care
January 24, 2025
I do not usually do a “word of the year” or if I do, I do not usually stick to it, but this year, I kind of stumbled upon my word of the year. I wasn't really thinking about wanting to have word of the year, but I was thinking about how I want this year to be different than last year, and I came across the word that I feel like best resonates with how I want myself to handle 2025; the 30th year of my life. As you can see from the title of this post, the word of the year is care and this is how I would like this to translate:
care more about the way that I look.
a haircut that I like and actually do my hair
a simple make up routine that makes me feel lovely
a skincare routine that helps clear up the spots that make me want to pick
care more about my health.
like mentioned in previous blogs, seasonal eating and local shopping
more active in ways that I enjoy moving my body - I will never be a gym girl
see doctors regularly ( this sounds silly but I realized the other day I cannot think of the last time I went to a regular doctor for just a check up )
care less about others opinions.
dress the way I want to dress
live the life that I want to live
spend less time watching others lives from the highlight reel that everyone puts on the internet
care less about where are others are in comparison to where I am.
it has been a lifelong struggle feeling behind, and we need to just nix that - we are all on different timelines
care less about that others think is cool and care more about what I think is cool.
we don’t need to all be the same person
Here is to the year of Care!