October Reset

October 4, 2023

I can hardly believe how fast September flew by this year. It has been a whirlwind, and I am so excited for what October has to hold!

Some exciting things are happening, including going back home for a family wedding ( in a dress I have been dreaming about for forever that I finally snagged off Poshmark ), Pumpkin Festival at my place of work, the leaves changing both close by and in the mountains and a sweet change of weather. If you know me at all you know I am a mild seasons girl; I love autumn, and this past year I have learned that I also love spring! Spring in Iowa has always been kind of brown and wet and mooshy, but this year it was abundant and beautiful. Anyway, I love autumn. It feels like a new beginning. I think this feeling came from the start of the school year, but this season always feels like a deep breath after a long summer.

This October I really want to make sure I soak it up as much as I can so I have some things planned to do so:

  • Read more and read more outside. I want to read a lot of spooky and cozy books ( which is what I am the most drawn to anyway, but I want to really lean into it this year. )

  • Watch more spooky movies. ( not scary. Big difference. I will not be watching The Conjuring or Annabelle ) I have found that I don’t hate Halloween when it is something like Halloweentown or Twitches – I just really hate being afraid.

  • Spend as much time outside as possible and take as many pictures as I can of the changing leaves.

  • Drink copious amounts of hot chocolate.

  • Eat caramel apples every chance I get. There is a stand at work, because we have fall festivals going on, that has some of the best caramel apples I have had. I am so excited about it.

  • Spend more time in my sketchbook. I am participating in Peachtober ( like inktober for those who know what that is ) and have kept up so far, but it is also only the fourth day of the month, so I really hope that I stay on top of it this year. At the end of the month I will make a post of all of the prompts I got through. Wish me luck.

  • Take the month as slow as I can. I want to soak it in. This is my favorite month of the year, and I want to take advantage of it, not just let it pass.

I recently chopped off my hair ( again ) and it feels like coming home. In the past it has taken some time to get used to again, after having it longer for a bit, but this time it feels like it has always been this length and it was just waiting to come back to this length. I am so excited to play around with the length and the styles.

In addition to just being excited about my hair, I am also excited about finding art forms and subjects that I love, again. It has been a long time that I have been trying to regain my love for making, so it has been so sweet to spend time on Pinterest finding artists and styles that I am drawn to.

Lastly, I am so excited for pumpkins and fallen leaves and all things autumn. I cannot say it enough, this is my favorite season of the year and I could not be happier that it is here and that we are in the mountains.


By The Living Room Light


Book ( s ) Review: The Tea Dragon Society by K.O’Neill