November Reset

November 1, 2023

It is wild how fast October went. We went back home for a week and were able to celebrate the marriage of one of my husbands cousins. We got snow this past week and it is really feeling like we are quickly falling into winter and leaving autumn behind. I am getting excited to see how this winter is different than Iowan winters.

This month my goals are:

  • Allowing myself to sleep more than usual and relax more than I usually do. November is gearing up for winter and the days are colder and shorter and it is okay to not move as fast and be as active.

  • This also being said, I want to be more intentional with my movement. I want to spend more time growing my muscles and keeping my body active.

  • I want to spend more time reading. I have really fallen in love with reading and I want to be spending less time on my phone ( I honestly am just wanting to use it to get around places, to talk to people that I love and making sure I am on time. Other than that I want to be off of it. )

  • Make new friends and put myself in a place where I can make new friends/spend time with the friends I have made already. I have made some really wonderful friends at work and it has been a really sweet experience and I would love to continue the friendships that I am building while at this job, even though I will not be in this role much longer ( I am currently in a seasonal role that ends at the end of December )

  • Get a new job! I am currently applying like a mad woman to all the jobs I can get my hands on because my role is currently a seasonal role and it is ending very soon. I am going to miss it terribly, but I am very excited to be in a new role. I am looking to work from home so that I am able to spend more time with my love and my puppy.

Here’s to another wonderful month! I am excited to see what this transitional month holds and how it leads us into the next season.


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