Book Review: This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki

May 18, 2020

Lately I have been obsessed with graphic novels. I love the connection between illustration and storyline and the closeness to animation.

This past winter I received this book as a gift from my dad because art and literature are two of his subjects of interest, and being my fathers daughter, they are mine as well. We had talked about falling in love with graphic novels in the autumn and we gave each other ideas as to what to read and what authors/illustrators to look out for (Shaun Tan is my current favorite).

This One Summer is about two young girls who have a summer friendship-they come back to the same lake houses every summer and spend time with their families along this lake. There is no specific time that this book is set in which allows it to feel nostalgic and familiar. The whole book is in a periwinkle haze of young girlhood and the dissonance between childhood and womanhood is palpable through the illustrations of the changing duo.

That does not make this a fluffy filly book though. Rose (the main character) deals with big heavy things including changes in her family, changes in her body and new interests. She struggles with young teen-hood and longing to be something that she is not. Her relationship with her mom changes and grows. Windy ( Rose’s summer friend) is a little more free spirited (and annoying) than Rose and they navigate what their friendship looks like and how their youth is no longer as easy and playful.

I really enjoyed this books and would recommend it. Do be warned: there is harsh language and some mature references.


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