
July 7, 2023

In just a few days we will be moving from the place that we grew up. We will be embarking on a new adventure, one filled with mountains and milder weather.

In just a few days we will be packing up all of our belongings and heading across the country, and we will be simultaneously be further and closer to people that we love. We will be moving in with my brother-in-law and his wife ( I never really know how to say that, is it my brother and sister-in-law? Doesn’t that sound like he is my brother, then? Is it my brother-in-law and sister-in-law? What is the proper way to say it here? ) and will be near aunts and uncles of mine that I hold very dear to my heart, but have spent very little time with in the recent years because of adulthood. We will be closer to adventures and opportunities that we aren’t even aware of yet. We are headed toward work opportunities, new friendships, self discoveries, discoveries of each other, new places, new hobbies, new dreams and I could not be more excited.

And still we will be farther from out nieces and nephews, we will be further from our parents and a lot of our ( many ) siblings, we will be further from friends that we have made over the last twenty-something years. We are leaving behind the place that we fell in love and the place that we rekindled our romance. We are leaving behind the University that we both cherish and that we spent many hard hours at.

We are spoiled that there is so much that we are leaving behind and so much that we are going toward.

How lucky I am to have something that I have something that makes saying goodbye so hard – A.A. Milne


Book Review: A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith


The Art Of Self Discovery