Peachtober - A bit Different This Year

September 13, 2024

So, in the past, I have wanted to take part in Peachtober ( if you don’t know what I am talking about, there is an artist on instagram that goes by @furrylittlepeach and every year she has an October artists challenge that artists from all over the world take part in. It is really quite fun, and she is a really playful artist. ) but I never get very far with art. Because I am traveling a lot this year, I am going to take part in Peachtober, but in a different way - with short stories!

The month of October is going to be filled with short stories based on the Peachtober prompts and I will be posting one a day here on this blog! I am so excited to take part, and look forward to the way that it is going to stretch me as a creative! I have not decided yet if it will have the regular blogs and reviews on top of the short stories, only time will tell, but I will for sure get back to regular content on this blog in November.

Below is a screen shot of the prompts if you would also like to take part!

Thank you so much, for all of you who follow along with this blog, I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it does for me to write it!


Changes like The Seasons

