Movie Review: Watcher

August 9, 2023

I love me a good psychological thriller. I love the twists and turns and not being sure what is really going on until the end.

While I would not consider this a fantastic thriller, I did enjoy it. It had pretty minor twists, but I was left unsure up until the grand reveal, which is really what I want the most of when I am reading or watching thrillers.

All this to be said, I thought everything but the storyline was pretty fantastic. The acting was very well done, the lighting was incredible, the costuming was, in my opinion, perfect. The setting made it all the more eerie, but would be less so if you were to understand Romanian.

The concept of the film is that a young couple moves to Romania for a job promotion and one of the members of the couple can speak and understand Romanian and the other cannot. The member of the couple who cannot is the wife, and she starts to feel isolated and like she is going out of her mind. Very shortly after moving in, Julia, sees a figure in the window across the street, looking at them through their own apartment window. This slowly progresses into her noticing him following her and him showing up where she is over and over. She tells her husband, Francis, but he brushes aside her concerns and tells her she is imagining it. They even go to the police and they chalk it up as a misunderstanding between her and the neighbor.

All the while there is a murderer on the loose and she is becoming more and more paranoid. Julia makes friends with the neighbor next door and begins spending time with her.

In effort to not reveal too much, this is where I will end this review. I would suggest it, but expect more from the acting than you do from the plot. I was not freaked out by this film, but I did enjoy a lot of it.

I will say one last thing – this moving is pretty graphic. There is really only one scene that is graphic with nudity, but there is also a scene that is graphic with gore.


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