More Than Meets The Eye

February 10, 2017

Their interactions filled me with envy

The way her tiny hands fit in his

Her warm golden brown

So delicate

Intertwined with his calloused, porcelain branches

But they weren’t a good couple.


She guided his big puppet arms with her strings made of delicate words

Her arm filling the space where a back bone once was

The very kisses he craved sucked the life out of him and left bruises on his neck

Leaving black and blue marks as if showing the way her fingers strangled his will

He asks “am I my girlfriends keeper?” When someone asks where she is

because he would rather not know

His loneliness overtakes him

but he’s spent too long swallowing it down that he just becomes numb from the ache

Her words

Nauseatingly sweet

Seep into his every pour

Intoxicating him with her charm and deceits


Sense Of You

