February Reset

February 2, 2024

January is always a hard month for me. It holds so much weight but has so little motivation and excitement. It is heavy and big, without being exciting or, honestly, enjoyable. But here is a little recap of the past month and some intentions that I am setting as well as things I am looking forward to this month.

January Recap:

  • I have never been so sick in my life. Eli and I got hit hard with the sickness that is going around. I have heard rumors that it is a strain of covid that is not detectable by the older tests and also cannot really be treated, so we have just not been told much about it. I am not sure if I believe that or not, but it is what I have heard.

  • I really only read two books, which is surprising to me because I currently am in the middle of three more. With it being such a slow and low month, I expected myself to lean into reading more, but the fact that we were so sick for the first week really hindered my reading list. I figured being stuck in bed all day everyday for over a week would make me want to read, but I felt so miserable I didn't hardly want to do anything. I think we mostly just watched movies and shows in between naps.

  • I celebrated my 29th birthday and Eli and I found out we really liked candle making! We had a class nearby that was so fun. We were able to make out own scents and pick out how much of each scent was in the candle. We have yet to light them, but I am excited to see if I like the scent as much when it is warm as I did when it was room temperature.

  • My youngest nephew celebrated his first birthday. While this is not the fist birthday we have missed since moving, it is still sad to not be able to celebrate with him.

  • I started my new jobs! I am working at a coffee shop that is a four minute drive from my apartment and it is so fun to be back in a coffee shop setting. I really enjoy being a barista. In addition to this, I have started working as an artists assistant, and have really loved the work I have done so far. I am so looking forward to how that relationship continues to grow and how we both are able to learn things from one another.

February Intentions:

  • I am going to try to complete a piece once a week as well as spend daily time being creative. I would love to spend a lot of time in my sketchbook, but I am also open to that creativity floating over to other areas of my life such as this blog, reading a good book or making something in the kitchen ( which I very much dislike, but want to get better at ).

  • I want there to be intentional active time whether that be yoga or going for a hike or whatever, I want to make sure I am still moving my body regularly. My new jobs are far less active than my previous one, and I also just need the movement for my mental health.

  • Less time on social media and more time in books, being creative or spending time outside. I want to be much more intentional with my “free time” My word of the year ( or at least of the quarter ) is intentional and I really want to lean into that.

  • Car shopping. Our car is on its last leg ( even though it has only been in my care for two years, I am a little cranky about it ) and we are needing to purchase a new, more reliable, vehicle for this next phase of our lives.

Things I am looking forward to:

  • Eli and I are going to start planning some camping trips for the spring and I am so excited to use the camping gear we have started to accumulate.

  • With the artist that I am working for, we are planning multiple retreats for the summer and autumn and I am so excited to continue to work alongside her to to make these retreats incredible.

  • Celebrating our first valentines day together as a married couple. I am not much for valentines day, I feel like it is used as an excuse to be lazy in relationships the rest of the year, but this year I think I would like to change my outlook on it, and plan something that Eli and I can do together that is very “us”.

I look forward to what this month has in store for us.


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